Presentations 2020


From Dr. Janice Nadeau


Here are links to the two presentations that I did having to do with loss and grief in light of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

My first presentation, done September 10th, 2020, was entitled “Understanding Grief and Loss in These Uncertain Times.”

The link is:

Presentation Sept 2020

My second presentation, done November 12th, 2020, was entitled “Interventions for Times of Uncertainty.”

The Link is:

Presentation Nov 2020

These presentations were sponsored by The Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in light of the 2020 Pandemic. The program was implemented by the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC) in the fall of 2020. The full four-day institute can be found at Search for the title, “Grief Sensitivity Virtual Learning Institute.”


Janice Nadeau, PhD, LP. LMFT, RN, FT